Minissha Lamba will soon be seen donning the role of a village belle for Shyam Benegal next film, tentatively titled 'Abba Ka Kaun', a father-daughter story where she plays Boman Iraani's daughter in the film.
The role is such that in the film she is required to speak in a dialect called Dakini to lend an authentic touch to her character.
Muses the pretty actress, "Considering that I have never been in a village in my life, now I play a character that is village bred"
Well knowing how thoroughly Minissha prepares for her role, be it the rigorous 8 month training for the fabulous toned body in 'Kidnap' or adopting a dialect to give an authentic look, Minissha sure leaves no stone unturned to give the perfect touch.
Friday, February 06, 2009 10:58 IST